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GPX parser

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Gpx Parse

Gpx parse is a library for parsing gpx files in node. It is intended to have a small, easy to use api with some easy to use objects.

To use the library the easiest way to install it is with npm.

$ npm install gpx-parse


var gpxParse = require("gpx-parse");

//from file
gpxParse.parseGpxFromFile("/path/to/gpxFile", function(error, data) {
    //do stuff

//or from string
gpxParse.parseGpx("", function(error, data) {
    //do stuff

Full documentation

Full Api documentation can be found here. Documentation is auto generated using jsdoc so any errors or ommissions let me know You are welcome to create a pull request and fix them if you want ;).


If you would like to contribute/raise issues/fix issues then please do. Pull and fork at will.