Selenium is a great tool for performing automated integration or acceptance testing on your web applications with drivers developed for all the main browsers. I wanted to go one step further and see if I could integrate it into the build process so that regressions would get picked up earlier.
I though about integrating the tests to run on every build after the unit tests but I decided against this for two main reasons.
- The unit tests are not relying on any outside dependencies so should be less prone to error whereas the Selenium tests are going to be a lot more prone to environmental problems and we don’t really want the build failing because a server has gone down.
- These test generally are going to take a lot more time to run and we really dont want to slow down the build if possible.
The first step is to get the Selenium server up and running.
Setting up the Selenium Server
The selenium server is a jar file that can be run cross platform. It can be downloaded from the selenium website. You can then run the Selenium server with the command
java -jar path/to/your/selenium.jar
You will also need to download all the web drivers that you are going to need and ensure theat they are in you PATH. Once installed and running you can then use the webdriverjs
to connect to and control selenium. A brief overview can be found here
Writing a Test
As mentioned previosuly Selenium already provides a web driver for Node called WebDriverJs. First things first you are going to want to install this into your project with
npm install selenium-webdriver --save-dev
Once thats installed you can go about writing your first test. You can already create tests that can be run with mocha by requiring the testing library within the web driver. This is a sample test:
var assert = require('assert'), test = require('selenium-webdriver/testing'), webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'); function writeScreenshot(data, name) { name = name || 'ss.png'; var screenshotPath = '/'; fs.writeFileSync(screenshotPath + name, data, 'base64'); }; test.describe('Vapid Space', function() {'should show home page', function() { var driver = new webdriver.Builder() .withCapabilities( .build(); driver.get(''); driver.takeScreenshot().then(function(data) { writeScreenshot(data, 'out1.png'); }); driver.quit(); }); });
This is a simple test that navigates to this home page with chrome and then takes a screenshot. The Selenium api is based on promises so each task will be run once the previous one has completed so you needn’t get into callback hell. You will need to install mocha to run the tests. The easiest way to do this is to run
$ npm install -g mocha
Once installed you can run the tests with the following command:
$ mocha ./tests.js
More information on what you can do with mocha is available here. You should now have a selenium test running from the command line.
Running Selenium tests with a headless browser
Using the standard browsers with Selenium requires you to run the tests on a machine that has a gui of some kind, be it Mac, Linux or Windows. You can however now run your Selenium tests with PhantomJS. This will enable you to run the tests on the command line without the need for a UI environment. To enable it, replace the line
var driver = new webdriver.Builder() .withCapabilities( .build();
var driver = new webdriver.Builder() .withCapabilities(webdriver.Capabilities.phantomjs()) .build();
Your tests should now be running with PhantomJS.
Automating Running of tests
You can automate the execution of your tests using the grunt-webdriver tool. This will take your mocha tests and run them in within Grunt. The README file is pretty comprehensive and basically requires adding the following to your Grunt config.
grunt.initConfig({ webdriver: { options: { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } }, sometests: { tests: ['test/spec/login/*.js'] } }, }) grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-webdriver');
You should now have your selenium tests running through Grunt. If you want to go one step further and it makes sense to do so, you can also check the ouput screenshot against reference renders.
Checking Screenshots against reference examples
It is possible to check the output screenshots against reference renders. Whilst with dynamic content and altering pages it is not always logical to do this, if you have pages that you know won’t change, it may be useful. To do this you can use a tool developed by the BBC called wraith. Wraith is a screenshot comparison tool that will output diffs between two images, allowing you to quickly see any differences between renders. To use it you just need to install it with:
gem install wraith
The setup information can be found here. Once installed you can then compare screenshots with
wraith compare_images
You should now be automating your Selenium tests and doing all sorts of other stuff with the results if you want. If you do something cool, let me know.